Educational Opportunities
Mother Nurture offers classes throughout the year on a toxic-free lifestyle utilizing essential oils and essential oil-infused products from Young Living Essential Oils.
Each month Mother Nurture offers Essential Oils 101 class along with 1 of the 5 other classes. If you have an interest in hosting a class for your friends & family at a time outside of my already scheduled times just use my Contact form and let me know what you are interested in.
You can see our current schedule here.
Essential Oils 101. FREE
Explores what an essential oil is, where they come from, how to use them, and Young Living Essential Oil's Premium Starter Kits.
Creating a Toxic-Free Home. FREE
Once you step outside your door it is not as easy to control what toxins you and your family are exposed to. Mother Nurture looks at the many ways you can eliminate toxins in your home to minimize your exposure by using essential oils and essential oil-infused products.
Essential Oils for Kids. FREE
Looks at how you safely use essential oils with children and which oils are popular to use to help your child stay above the wellness line.
Make & Take Gatherings.
$ (Minimal fee based on recipes selected)
Enjoy time with your friends and family making 3-5 DIY recipes with selected essential oils. Also have an opportunity to taste and smell products that are not included in the Premium Starter Kit.
Skin Care with Essential Oils. $ (Minimal fee based on recipes selected)
Explore skin care and how to incorporate essential oils and Young Living's essential oil-infused personal care and beauty products.
COMING SOON! Essential Oils & Food. $ (Minimal fee based on recipes selected)
Learn the basics of how to incorporate essential oils into your cooking routine. During the class you will have opportunity to sample the recipes discussed in class along with some of Young Livings nutritional products.
As a trained facilitator Mother Nurture also offers parenting classes utilizing Love and Logic® Curricula, Loving Your Kids on Purpose and the 5 Love Languages.
If you would like to schedule Mother Nurture to teach a series to your group please get in touch. I offer a 5-week, 9-week or weekend intensive option. Mother Nurture is also available to present at seminars.
Loving Your Kids On Purpose
Loving Our Kids On Purpose brings a fresh perspective on the age-old role of parenting. It incorporates the principles of the Kingdom of God and revival into your strategy as parents. Loving Our Kids on Purpose will give you tools to: Protect your connection with your children, teach your children to manage increasing levels of freedom, replace the tools of intimidation and control, and create a safe place for children to build confidence and personal responsibility.
Love and Logic®
The Love and Logic® approach to parenting is built around the science of crafting caring and respectful relationships. An authentic, loving connection between parents and their children is the root of a healthy, thriving relationship built on trust and understanding.
Our approach provides a variety of simple and effective strategies for parenting children from birth to adulthood. Whether you’re embarking for the first time with your new baby or navigating the turbulent teens with your youngest, our strategies and techniques will help you create calm and loving solutions.
The 5 Love Languages
You know you love your child. But how can you make sure your child knows it?
With the 5 Love Languages discover how to speak your child’s love language in a way that he or she understands to assist your child in successful learning, use the love languages to correct and discipline more effectively and build a foundation of unconditional love for your child.
Discover your child’s primary language—then speak it—and you will be well on your way to a stronger relationship with your flourishing child.